/ Become a Member

A community of practice stewarding a civic renaissance

Together we form a decentralized solidarity network working together to renew civic culture and adapt civic systems that create the conditions for a vital, resilient, and participatory civilization.

If you align with this mission, you can choose a membership role to participate in the network, consortium, or labs.

Join the Network

Members are aligned with the OpenCivics Network mission and interested in following and sharing network activities.

  • An ally is an aligned agent who participates in the network by reading and sharing content published through the network architecture, following the network’s events and activities and advocating for the application of the network’s innovations in their local jurisdiction.

    Allies of the OpenCivics Network are members who:

    • Have signed the OpenCivics pledge

    • Align with the mission of OpenCivics

    • Are interested in following and sharing network activities

    • Seek to apply civic innovations in their local communities

  • A patron is an aligned agent who participates in the network by contributing financial or intellectual capital into the network via currency or consultation.

    Patrons of the OpenCivics Network are members who:

    • Are contributing relevant consultation, mentorship, member enrollment, or other in-kind support (lifetime patrons)

    • Are contributing financial donations, one-time or recurring, fiat or cryptocurrency (time bound patrons)

Join the Consortium

Members are network members who have chosen to participate in the governance processes of the network.

  • A contributor is an aligned agent who participates in the network by contributing work to specific OpenCivics activities.

    Contributors of the OpenCivics Consortium are members who:

    • Are reliable in communication and follow-through on responsibilities

    • Possess relevant domain-specific skills and knowledge

    • Lead themselves proactively in their project involvement

  • A citizen is an aligned agent who participates in network governance and consortium activities.

    Citizens of the OpenCivics Consortium are members who:

    • Actively engaged in civic innovation, committed to building a vital, participatory, and resilient civilization beyond any single brand or project.

    • Are systemic thinkers who can navigate between abstract concepts and practical solutions, driven by genuine curiosity and openness.

    • Are proactive creators who communicate clearly and thoughtfully, inspiring meaningful adaptation within existing systems.

    • Are leaders in civic domains such as decentralization, systems thinking, design science, economics, governance, futurism, community building, and regeneration.

  • A partner is an aligned organization that has entered into an agreement with the Consortium to engage in inter-organizational collaboration or coordination related to the Network's activities and mission.

    Partners of the OpenCivics Consortium are organizations who:

    • Are actively working in the domains of systems change, open source technology, civic innovation, community organizing, prosociality, regenerative economies, or other aligned fields

    • Are willing to contribute to the synergistic activities of the network through inter-organizational partnership and collaboration

Join the Labs

Members are consortium members who have chosen to participate in the cooperative guild of open civic innovators.

  • A practitioner is a Consortium citizen who co-owns and collectively stewards the DAO’s activities by contributing to projects and governance. They are directly involved in initiating, developing, and supporting projects as well as electing Lab Managers and allocating profits.

    Practitioners of OpenCivics Labs are members who:

    • Are actively engaged in related research and development projects that they seek to include in a cooperative of aligned systemic and civic innovators

    • Are systemic thinkers who can navigate between abstract concepts and practical solutions, driven by genuine curiosity and openness.

    • Proactive creators who communicate clearly and thoughtfully

    • Leaders in civic domains such as decentralization, systems thinking, design science, economics, governance, futurism, community building, and regeneration.

  • A participant is a Consortium citizen who actively contributes to OpenCivics Labs DAO LLC’s projects without holding a formal membership status. Their contributions can take various forms, such as sharing expertise, performing specific tasks, or offering creative inputs.

    Participants of OpenCivics Labs are Consortium members who:

    • Are domain experts in a field relevant to a Labs Project or generalists with a wide range of relevant capacities

    • Are systemic thinkers who can navigate between abstract concepts and practical solutions, driven by genuine curiosity and openness.

    • Proactive creators who communicate clearly and thoughtfully

  • A partner is an aligned organization that wishes to partner with the DAO to engage in collaborative research and development. Lab projects are instantiated based on an initial agreement between OpenCivics Labs and labs partners which scopes the process and deliverables to be co-developed through the partnership.

    Partners of OpenCivics Labs are organizations that:

    • Are working in the domains of regeneration and systems change

    • Are interested in open source and participatory design methodologies

    • Are focused on implementing impact networks to address complex social challenges

    • Are collaborative, open minded, curious, and interested in the iterative development of novel strategies and research

How membership works

- Membership in the Network is open to anyone who signs the pledge.
- Membership in the Consortium is approved by member review process.
- Membership in the Labs is limited to Consortium Citizens interested in joining a cooperative guild.

Learn more about the process by reading about Membership Roles and Criteria. The governance systems of OpenCivics are currently provisional, being developed in alignment with our progressive protocolization strategy.

If you have questions about membership contact our team by email.