/ OpenCivics Network
A community of practice for open Civic innovators, organizers & Patrons
The OpenCivics Network is a community of practice and solidarity network working to renew civic culture and adapt civic systems to create the conditions for a vital, resilient, and participatory civilization to emerge.
The network exists to improve the probability of the third attractor by restoring and renewing the spirit of collective stewardship of our commons and communities through the creation of novel institutions and mechanisms for civic stewardship. The network is formalized through the pledge, a commitment to participatory stewardship of our commons, communities, and planet.
The network contains the three organizational forms of OpenCivics Foundation, Consortium, and Labs as well as a broad membership made up of signers of the pledge.
We envision a human civilization that is vital, resilient, and participatory
We believe in a future in which humanity has successfully moved through our current evolutionary eye of the needle without destroying the substrate of living systems upon which we depend. In such a civilization, our civic systems – our culture, infrastructures, incentives, and institutions – are oriented towards life-affirming ways of being.
We connect civic innovators, organizers and patrons committed to the practice of open civic innovation.
The network provides scaffolding to support alignment, coordination, resourcing, collaboration, convening, and learning of civic stewards devoted to the realization of a vital, resilient, and participatory civilization.
Explore the Network
Network Structures
The OpenCivics Network is composed of organizing structures that connect and support members.
OpenCivics Network
A community of practice and decentralized solidarity network of civic innovators, organizers, and patrons.
OpenCivics Consortium
A coordination body of network citizens self-organizing around the creation of open civic systems.
OpenCivics Foundation
A non-profit supporting the development of the network and the open civic innovation ecosystem.
OpenCivics Labs
An applied research and development cooperative offering networks facilitation and design.
Explore the ecosystem
The network supports alignment, coordination, resourcing, collaboration and learning between civic innovators, organizers, patrons, and the public.
Align : Maps
Mapping is a practice of structuring representations of systems, relationships, and processes to foster alignment and empower collective action.
Coordinate : Alliances
Alliances are aligned peers/projects, coordinating their efforts for increased impact and efficacy in their complementary independent pursuits.
Collaborate : Initiatives
Initiatives are collaborative working groups of aligned peers/projects, producing mutually beneficial outputs that require synergistic coordination.
Resource : Grants
Grants are resourcing for civic innovation projects, connecting civic patrons with innovators through democratic and trust-based philanthropy.
Convene : Gatherings
Gatherings are online and in-person convenings that bring civic innovators, organizers and patrons into closer relationship around shared purpose.
Learn : Courses
Courses are learning experiences that empower civic organizers and innovators with knowledge, frameworks, and peer learning that supports collective action.
How to Get Involved
Become a member
Join an aligned network of open civic innovators, organizers, and patrons.
Make a Donation
Discover and resource an ecosystem of open civic innovation activities.
Learn & Grow
Explore public resources and get inspired by models for local collective action.
Network Members
Members have signed our pledge and may also be members of the Consortium and Lab.
Civic Innovators
Choose to create open civic systems
Civic organizers
Choose to utilize open civic systems
Civic Patrons
Choose to fund open civic innovation
Interested in becoming a member?
Support the openCivics Network
Our work to convene and support this Network of civic innovators and organizers relies on patrons like you. Donations go directly to empower local & global change.