/ Vision

We envision a vital, resilient, and participatory civilization

Current Reality

Misaligned incentives and the concentration of wealth and power often leads to corrupt and ineffective institutions that neglect the real needs of people and the planet.

Possible Future

Empowered citizens guide our shared futures through direct democracies and local economies, creating collective agency, transparency, and accountability

Our audacious vision

We believe in a future in which humanity has successfully moved through our current evolutionary eye of the needle without destroying the substrate of living systems upon which we depend. In such a civilization, our civic culture orients our civic systems towards life-affirming ways of being.


The embodied state of thriving that emerges from the interconnected levels of well-being and quality of life for individuals, communities, and ecologies.


The state and the capacity for adaptive self-organization sufficient to provide core life support function across changing world circumstances.


The state of respect for the sovereign agency of all beings and the capacity of individual agents to participate and influence their circumstances.

Our crisis is a birth : a civic renaissance

Stories of post-tragic protopian audacity

Vision into action

Learn how we’re transforming this vision into action with the Open Civic Innovation Framework in solidarity alongside the OpenCivics Network.

Network Mission

Connect civic innovators, organizers & patrons committed to the process of open civic innovation. We know that it won’t be one person or project that guide humanity into its next epoch, rather it will be a series of non-rivalrous networks that create the conditions for a life-affirming civilization to emerge.

Framework Mission

Support the coordination of open civic innovation. As a minimum viable coordination infrastructure, the framework is designed to maximize the interoperability of civic utilities as well as to foreground a participatory, pluralistic and polycentric approach to creating civic systems.