/ OpenCivics Consortium

civic Innovators coordinating for mutual benefit


The OpenCivics Consortium provides decentralized coordination mechanisms for aligned civic stewards engaged in the practice of open civic innovation.


  • Provide scaffolding for mutually beneficial coordination and collaboration between civic innovators

  • Serve the commons by contributing to network activities

  • Generate novel outcomes, protocols, and standards that can only be produced through collaboration and coordination

  • Engage in self-governed and self-organized activities that catalyze swarm intelligence and collective action

  • Maintain OpenCivics Framework and Network design strategy

Explore the Consortium

Consortium Members

Explore the ecosystem

The network supports alignment, coordination, collaboration, resourcing and learning between civic innovators, organizers, patrons, and the public.

  • Align : Maps

    Mapping is a practice of structuring representations of systems, relationships, and processes to foster alignment and empower collective action.

  • Coordinate : Alliances

    Alliances are aligned peers/projects, coordinating their efforts for increased impact and efficacy in their complementary independent pursuits.

  • Collaborate : Initiatives

    Initiatives are collaborative working groups of aligned peers/projects, producing mutually beneficial outputs that require synergistic coordination.

  • Resource : Grants

    Grants are resourcing for civic innovation projects, connecting civic patrons with innovators through democratic and trust-based philanthropy.

  • Convene : Gatherings

    Gatherings are online and in-person convenings that bring civic innovators, organizers and patrons into closer relationship around shared purpose.

  • Learn : Courses

    Courses are learning experiences that empower civic organizers and innovators with knowledge, frameworks, and peer learning that supports collective action.

Interested in becoming a member?

If you share our mission, consider becoming a member of the Network. Read the pledge or head over to our wiki to learn more about how you can participate in the network.

Support the openCivics Consortium

Our work to convene and support this Network of civic innovators and organizers relies on patrons like you. Donations go directly to empower local & global change.